Provide certified copies of your results together with a grading scale used by the University (or Faculty/Department) where you completed your undergraduate degree. Certified copies need to be sent in hard copy. There is an option to upload an uncertified copy via the online application form. If the documents are in a language other than English, please provide certified translated copies.
The definition of a certified copy is a photocopy of the original document which has the signature and official stamp of one of the following people: barrister or solicitor, Police in Charge of Station, Pharmacist, Doctor, Dentist, Principal of School, Justice of Peace, Clerk of Court indicating that they have sighted the original document.
If you have completed your bachelor's degree at the University of Melbourne you do not need to submit a hard copy of your results
想问一下我如果有学校打印并且盖有公章的英文成绩单寄送,还得寄他要求的copy吗?寄送这种copy的话,我是应该去公证处公证吗?感觉他要求签字人身份的这一列好广:barrister or solicitor, Police in Charge of Station, Pharmacist, Doctor, Dentist, Principal of School, Justice of Peace, Clerk of Court……难道我找医生或者牙医签字证明属实都行?
追答重庆市区公证处有案例是ok的 但最好还是到市级公证处比较稳妥 尤其亲属相关证明等等比较重要的文件
最好办法 去找学校 让学校出有均分的成绩单 一般学校都专门有这个部门 知道你要留学 给你做好出国用的留学成绩单 剔除例如马列主义这种课 加入GPA或者百分制成绩 这个过程可以使你的成绩变得更加适合你申请学校的要求 所以最好 还是去找学校
如果学校就是不肯给你出 你只有将成绩老实的递给墨大,说明情况,由墨大来给你算,那这种情况下可能你一个优 本来85 给你算80 或者你一个ABCD算法都不一样。。。成绩自然就会下降了