
2.Paul 要来北京学习,他想了解中国各季节的天气情况以及各季节常进行的体育活动。请给Paul写封信。

the weather is very nice in April, the temperature is around 15-20C,i think this is the best temperature through out the whole season. I feel very comfortable in this kind of weather. A lot of people start having outdoor activities. Young kids playing sports in the park, and also there are people taking their vacations during this time. People start putting on their nice light dresses instead of big heavy winter jackets, and waiting for the summer to come
第1个回答  2013-05-12
Dear Paul,
I know you are arriving Beijing。 Now,I tell you about Beijing weather。In Spring,here is humid and warm。 People are playing soccer。In Summer ,here is hot and sunny。People are piaying basketball and swimming。In fall,here is cool。 People are climbing mountains。But in winter,here is very cold 。People are do morning eserises,they think it is very heathl sport。 This is a very beaufui city。Do you like it?