

神奇的互联网让我们平淡如水的生活变得多姿多彩,让我们这群活泼好动的孩子们体会大人们的辛苦的劳动。在我的眼中,互联网真可以说无所不能。 在互联网上,我们可以在博客上等自己妙趣横生的文章的文章,让他人感受的中国文字的绝妙之处。这一点我是最喜欢的,把自己的文章的优美句子呈现给他人,让自己的文章更生动有趣。也可以下载优美动听。沉重缓慢的歌曲,一首首美如仙乐的歌曲在我们耳边荡漾。每当找一两个朋友欣赏音乐的时候,幸福感油然而生。还可以放上喜欢的电影,电影可以是一个精妙绝伦的作品介绍,也可以是一个让你记忆犹新的电影。让他人了解你所喜欢的电影,也想你推荐一部电影。把自己的一言一行。喜怒哀乐,统统在博客上倾泻出来,这是一种坚定信念。 在互联网上,有许多惊险刺激。惊心动魄的游戏,也有许多幽默捣蛋。智勇双全的有益小游戏。更为好玩的是,还有一些大型生活乐趣的游戏,让我们体验当大人的乐趣。我就一段时间迷恋这种游戏,可是双眼立刻升到了两百度!网络游戏虽然有趣,但也不能过度沉迷,否则后果不堪设想。以前就有因过度沉迷网络,为缺钱而抢劫,成了犯罪的人。 网络的是是非非,我们青少年不必在其中议论。我们所做的一切,只是为明日的祖国贡献的力量。我们先管好自己的学习,努力做个每天都有书香伴随的少先队员。
第1个回答  2016-06-16
Internet is an international computer network connecting other
networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present,
most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game,
watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on
Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world
which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage.
of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when
it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs,
game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it
attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning
massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your
computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in
chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the
newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with
unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion,
many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable.
has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can
develop the effective of our study or job. For example , we can learn
more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.And as the youngs in
21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary
point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost
themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in
study.They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in
hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than
disadvantages. People should make the most use of it so that it can been
useful not harmful.本回答被网友采纳