
The Moon shows progressively different phases as it moves along its orbit around the Earth. Half the Moon is always in sunlight,just as half of the Earth has day while the other half has night.Thus,there is no permanents “dark side of the Moon”, which is sometimes confused with the Moon's far side-the side that always faces away from the Earth. The phases of the Moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In the phase called the new moon, the near side is completely in shadow. About a week after a new moon, the Moon is in first quarter, resembling a luminous half-circle; another week later, the full moon shows its fully lighted near side; a week afterward, in its last quarter, the Moon appears as a half-circle again. The entire cycle is repeated each lunar month. The Moon is full when it is farther away from the Sun than the Earth; it is new when it is closer. When it is more than half illuminated, it is said to be in gibbous phase. The Moon is said to be waning as it progresses from full to new, and to be waxing as it proceeds from new to full.

月亮逐渐显示了不同阶段,当它沿着绕地球轨道旋转时。一半的月亮总是在阳光下,就像地球的一半是白天,另一半是夜晚。因此,没有永久的“月球的阴暗面”,有时是令人困惑的位于月球的远侧,这侧总是面临着远离地球。月亮的圆缺变化取决于有多少阳光照到的半面可以在任何时候呗看到。在叫做新月的阶段,近侧完全笼罩在阴 影中。新月大约一个星期后,月亮处于它的第一个1/4,就像一个发光的半圆;另一个星期后,满月显示其完全明亮的近侧。一个星期之后,在它的最后一个1/4,月亮看起来又像一个半圆。每个农历月整个循环重复一次。当它比地球远离太阳时,月亮是满月;当它更近时,是新月。当照亮一半以上,据说它处在突月的阶段。月亮据说是在亏缺,当它从满月进展到新月时;而当它从新月到满月时,它正在盈满。
第1个回答  2016-05-05