

春节:Chinese New Year

除夕:New Year's Eve

元宵节:Lantern Festival

龙抬头:Dragon Heads-raising Day

清明:Tomb-sweeping day

五一:Labor Day

端午节:Dragon Boat festival

七夕:Double Seventh Festival

中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival

国庆节:National Day

重阳节:Double Ninth Festival


第1个回答  2007-12-27
One hero called HouYi,one day,he go out with his student!
One student called PengMeng ,he knew that HouYi's wife,ChangEr,have sone thing that,can let people become immortal!
PengMeng wanted to be a immortal,so he use a knife,and said to ChangEr if she don't want to give him that thing,she will be died!
ChangEr don't want PengMeng to be a immortal,and she used that thing and become a immortal!
第2个回答  2012-03-11
The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). The word "Year" in Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. This tradition in many ways resemble the Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires。

1、春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 由来:Primitive beliefs and sacrificial culture are important factors in the formation of New Year's Day.原始信仰和祭祀文化是春节形成的重要因素。习俗:such as Lunar New Year's dinner, keeping the age, New Year's money...

while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。"Zhong Qiu Jie" pr...

端午节的由来是为了纪念著名的爱国主义诗人屈原而设立的节日。Dragon Boat Festival is a festival set up to commemorate the famous patriotic poet Quyuan.在我国历史上,端午节是为了纪念屈原的说法已经有1500多年的历史了。相传,屈原投汨罗江后,当地百姓闻讯马上划船捞救,一直行至洞庭湖,始终不见屈...

端午节的由来英文介绍如下:The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is one of the oldest and most distinctive festivals in China. The festival has different origins, but the mo...


2.英语月亮:moon月饼:moon cake团圆:reunion祝福:blessing回家:go home中秋节快乐 Happy Moon Festival 3.英文简介Mid-Autumn Festiva is special festivals in China. the Spring and Moon Festivals is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with The Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know Mid-...

守更待岁。In the early morning of the Eleventh day, we have to go to relatives and friends to say hello.初一一大早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。This custom has become the most solemn traditional festival among Chinese people.这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。



中国传统节日介绍英文如下:除夕:I am delighted to know that you are interested in Chinese New Year’s Eve. I will try to give you a very brief account of this special day as it would be impossible to fully showcase its cultural richness.The Eve, or the last day of the ...
