
Why does 7-Eleven want to be a bank?
The overall tapestry is to be a satisfying solution for our customers' everyday needs, and financial services represent a product that some of them, particularly those who don't necessarily have a banking relationship, need. V.com can support many financial services that are relevant to our customers. We've had some upfront success with V.com in terms of customer use. We're in the process of hardening up our message to drive repeat usage, including reloading of the prepaid convenience card. V.com represents a big investment from both a dollar-loading standpoint and the years spent in developing the technology. By the end of the year, we expect to have 2,500 kiosks set up.

为什么7-Eleven 想要是银行? 整体挂毯将是一种令人满意的解答为我们的顾客的每天需要, 并且金融服务代表有些, 特别那些必要没有银行业务关系, 需要的产品。V.com 可能支持与我们的顾客是相关的许多金融服务。我们有一些upfront 成功与V.com 根据顾客用途。我们是在硬化我们的消息过程中驾驶重覆用法, 包括再装被预付的便利卡片。V.com 代表一种大投资从美元装货立场和岁月度过在开发技术。在年底之前, 我们准备有2,500 个报亭设定。