

第1个回答  2016-04-24
Last week, our school had an intresting school trip to Emei
Mountain in Sichuan province. As everyone knows, it's difficult to get
there. The trip took us more than 6 hours. It seemd that the time went
very slow then.
As we climbed the mountain,we fed the lovely monkeys.
It's very exciting, not boring at all. On the foot of the mountain it's
very hot, but it's very cool on the top of the mountain. On the way up
we were very lucky to take many beautiful pictures since the weather is
sunny. The things were very expensive not cheap in the scenic area. The
food were delicious. Happy time always goes fast, we liked the great
school trip.
第2个回答  2016-04-24
学生该怎么做呢 对于这个问题,我感到首先就要从我做起,从现在做起,从小事做起,具体点说,那就是从学生的行为规范做起,因为学生行为规范就是公民道德建设




 School Rules
  A nation has it's rule and a family also has one! But what rules do we need to do at school?
We have to wear school uniforms at school days. And we can't eat in classroon. We also can't
bring mobile ghones to school .But I don't agree this one, I think we should be allowed to bring
mobile phones to school, because it's easy for our parents to find us after school. And I also think
we should wear our own clothes, because those are comfortable. If not, we should be allowed to
design our own uniforms.


